Thursday, September 16, 2010

Red Balloons Lesson #1

I hope you all have enjoyed the first lesson with your child. I know my girls couldn't wait to put together their puppets and sing along with their CD. They want to sing the songs over and over again. It is great to see that kind of excitement about music!
Music is a very powerful thing! It can truly make smarter children, change hearts and communicate feelings words alone cannot. The things we are learning in class will help your children have a love of music that will last a lifetime!

I got the cutest email from one of our moms shortly after the first class. She said "I just wanted to let you know how much fun my kids had at class yesterday. You did a great job making the music fun for us. All evening long we sang and danced to our new cd and made music with the bells. Although I didn't really want him to, Max took his bells with him everywhere--even outside. I've attached a picture of him on his scooter with his "instrument" as he calls it. When I was tucking Katie in bed last night she asked if after her story and prayer could she practice her music again. Thank you for introducing us to this program."

I hope you all are experiencing something similar with your children at home! Feel free to email me your stories and pictures...You never know, your story might just end up here on our blog!

"Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and cannot remain silent." ~Victor Hugo


We have finally finished arranging 3 great Red Balloons classes! I have a few openings and need your help! If you tell others how great your experience is with Let's Play Music and they decided to join us for Red Balloons you will receive a $15 gift certificate to be spent on tuition any time this year.
Here are the openings I have:
Tuesdays @ 3:30 I have one opening.
Wednesdays @ 1:00 I have 3 openings (This class needs some girls!)
Wednesdays @ 4:00 I have 3 openings (This class needs boys!)

We would love to have more children come and join the fun at Let's Play Music! Spread the Word!!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Starting My First Red Balloons Classes

I am so excited to be finally starting to teach! This is going to be an exciting year and I am looking forward to working with my new students and their parents. Learning music is so much fun. Especially when we do it the Let's Play Music way.
Be sure to check out the corporate website and making musicians blogs. The links are on the left side of this screen. Parents, feel free to call my with questions and concerns or email me. My number is 208.417.0285 and my email is